Necrophilia facts

(5) Necrophilia in wars and battlefields

It is known that at the time of violent death, the victim suffers from spasms of the anal sphincter. Many potential necrophiles have sought to take advantage of this fact by engaging in anal intercourse with dying soldiers on a battlefield. Soldiers during the Russo-turkish War of 1877–1878 and Moroccan campaigns of 1919–1926 were violated in this way on the battlefield. The practice has been termed warm necrophilia, although the term is more suitably applied elsewhere. The Chinese are known to engage in sexual intercourse with geese and to kill them intentionally at the point of ejaculation for similar reasons.

During the French insurrection of 1871, many people were deported to New Caledonia as punishment. The native Kanakas were necrophiles, and when they could not get a white woman alive, they got hold of her corpse and violated it. Numerous witnesses declared that the unfortunate women and girls of the colony were first decapitated and then violated. The bodies were then erotically mutilated. Jacobus mentions a specific case where a Kanaka interpreter, Louis, fell in (one-sided) love with a magnificent fair woman, the English wife of a colonist. He led the rebel Kanakas to her house while her husband and the Hebridean Kanakas were absent. The woman initially defended herself with a shotgun and killed two of her assailants. Finally Louis got the better of her and struck a heavy axe over her head, cleaving it in two halves. He then satisfied his lewd passion upon the palpitating body of his victim. Then the Kanakas dismembered her body and roasted the flesh in a Kanaka oven. Louis ate the heart, one breast, and the genital parts of the victim.

(6) Modern Era

The Aghoris, a small Hindu sect in India, have been known to live in graveyards, sit on corpses, wear ash from the pyre, drink urine from skulls, use human bones from graveyards for rituals, and desecrate corpses including various acts of necrophilia. Some reputedly even eat parts of the corpse. Aghori means “nonterrifying” in Sanskrit, and may refer to how members of the sect view death. They are the followers of Aghora cult.

Publicado por: Lasz Zárusz

An antinatalist and potentially suicidal man. I eat books and find sex utterly unhygienic. I detest patriotism, optimism and selfies. The human being is a sexual transmitted disease, transmitted by men and propagated by women. Let's asphyxiate and obliterate humanity by exercising celibacy. Let's live for a while and die forever.

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