Cannibalism, blood drinking & Satanism – The Dark Mother’s vendetta (9)

After we got some distance away from the home of the two sisters, the limo driver turned up a dirt road. We eventually came into a clearing, and there were a number of cars and vans parked there. I recognized some of the men there as employees and servants of the Baron. Some of them had weapons, and it looked like they were preparing for a military assault or something like that.

Bob was my primary contact with the Society of Lucifer. He was my main trainer. He had given me the alter name of Kathy. He was the one who used hypnosis and other methods to condition me to have two personalities: Kerth, the mundane Christian and Kathy, the cross-dressing Luciferian. At that time in my life I still viewed Bob in a positive way. I thought of him as my advisor and protector. He was a short, thin man who sometimes cross-dressed, and when he cross-dressed he was called Bobby or Roberta.

Bob was there in the clearing with the other men. He quickly got me out of my girly clothing and into boys’ clothing. When I was in my Kathy persona, I did sometimes wear boys’ clothing. But so that I wouldn’t confuse Kathy with Kerth, when I was Kathy I would wear my underwear backwards and put on my socks inside out. In my life as Kerth, it was important to forget my work as Kathy. It made it easier to do that if I had little rituals so I could keep my two personas separate.

Bob took off my make-up and fingernail polish carefully. Before he stored away my girls’ clothing, I took from my purse the wooden Sphinx that Nancy had given me. I started to put it in the pocket of my pants. Then I thought better of it. I thought about the child skeleton in the basement temple of the two sisters. I thought about what they had said about the Sphinx being a symbol of aristocratic cannibalism. So I took the wooden Sphinx and threw it as far as I could into the woods. We left the Baron and his men behind so they could complete their mysterious mission. Bob drove me back towards St. Louis in his sports car. I wore the blacked-out sunglasses that served as a type of blindfold for part of the way on the journey back.

As we drove back Bob explained that the two sisters were in trouble with their superior in the Illuminati. She was known as the Dark Mother. The problem with the two sisters wasn’t that they were cannibals. The Dark Mother also practiced cannibalism. The problem was that the two sisters were what the Baron called “dilettante Luciferians”. In other words – they were slackers. They weren’t what the Baron liked to refer to as “producers”. The idea is that everyone in the Illuminati must produce income for their superiors or they must do some type of work that the Committee considers to be useful. The two sisters had inherited great wealth and were happy to live a Satanic lifestyle on their own. They had their home, their small group of loyal employees and their own Satanic temple. They had their human cattle meat, their slave girls and their indulgences. The two sisters didn’t want to work for anyone or to produce anything. They were happy spending most of their time in their home playing with their slave girls, looking at their child pornography collection and reading their rare books. This unproductive way of life had gone on for years, and so they were to be punished. They had made oaths of obedience when they joined the Illuminati, and they weren’t keeping their oaths.

So two men, representatives of the Committee, were sent to the home of the two sisters with a letter of authority from the Dark Mother. But in their arrogance, the two sisters had played a trick on the men. They had put LSD into their tea and then when they had all visited the basement temple, the two sisters had locked them in there for hours. The two men had a bad trip and had become dehydrated. They begged the two sisters to let them out. They reminded the two sisters that they had been sent there on a mission from the Dark Mother. Finally, fearing the wrath of the Dark Mother, they let the men go – telling them to never return. But this treatment of her representatives was an insult to the Dark Mother. Realizing that they had gone too far, the two sisters wrote a letter of apology to the Dark Mother.

So the Dark Mother had written a letter back to the two sisters telling them that they were to atone to her by doing her a small favor. She wanted them to send her an autographed copy of a valued child pornography picture taken of me when I was a child. But in reality, the Dark Mother was not concerned with something so trivial as child porno. She had greater plans. This request for the autographed photo gave the Baron the excuse he needed to enter into the home of the two sisters so he could check out their security system. Like the Trojan Horse, I had been used to give him an excuse to enter into their home.

Bob explained that the Baron was going to send his men into the home of the two sisters that night. They were going to make prisoners of the two sisters and all their inbred servants. The two sisters were going to lose their home, their rare books and their two slave girls.

The Baron loved to rob other people. It was his specialty. But he always shared some of what he robbed with his superiors in the Illuminati. Later on, I would find out more about how the Baron avenged himself upon the disrespectful two sisters. After the Baron took the two sisters and their second cousins prisoners, he took possession of all of their rare books. He divided the collection and gave half of it to the Committee. And he gave the two sisters’ valuable collection of antique furniture and paintings to the Dark Mother.

The Baron took the two slave girls and made them part of his household staff. He took off their slave collars and let them wear clothing. He let them grow out the hair on their heads. He was less cruel to them than the two sisters had been, so they felt that the Baron was their rescuer. But they were still slaves. Years later they would escape the Baron and become celibate Christians, but that’s another story.

Finally after the Baron had looted all the valuables from the home of the two sisters, he made them watch as he burnt it to the ground. But before doing that, he had forced the two sisters to watch as he had his men smash up their statues and the columns in the basement. Then after the fire, the basement had been filled up with rubble and dirt. And so their Satanic temple, where the two sisters had worshipped themselves as goddesses, fell to ruin. I can imagine the Baron laughing as he watched the burning of their home while the two sisters wept bitterly at their loss. The Baron loved revenge.

After this humiliation, the two sisters had to go before the Dark Mother. They were transported in handcuffs while they rode to New York City in the back of a van. Once in front of her, they prostrated themselves before her, kissing her feet. They begged for their lives and swore that they would never disobey her again. They swore that they would worship the image of the Dark Mother every day, and they swore that they would stop worshiping their own images. They declared that the Dark Mother was the only goddess they would ever worship from that day forth. So it was that the Dark Mother decided to spare their lives.

I found out later that the two sisters wound up living in New York City and working for the United Nations. After being punished for their transgressions, they decided to do whatever work was assigned to them by the Dark Mother. So the Dark Mother made them into members of an elite think tank which worked for the UN. I’ve been told that many of the elites of the United Nations are practicing cannibals who keep slaves – so the two sisters probably fit right in. The two sisters were well educated and quite intelligent, so from a Luciferian point of view, it was logical that they would wind up on a United Nations think tank.

This think tank was a group of intellectuals who made plans for the UN’s takeover of the world. They also made plans for creating a new civilization for the human race once this takeover was complete. So finally, the Dark Mother found some practical use for the intellectual talents of the two sisters.

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